Message from the Owners
Otto's is committed to achieve its mission and maintain its values, which are based on to be "the original". It stands for novelty, ingenuity, and those qualities with which we aspire to. Original is our customer service, constantly seeking to surpass customers' expectations. Original is our client care, never taking their trust for granted. Original is our dedication, working to build life-long relationships with our clients. Otto's strives to meet the needs of its customers and employees with disabilities, and has worked and will work hard to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility.
Otto's is committed to fulfilling our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. This accessibility plan outlines the steps Otto's is taking to meet those requirements and to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.
Our plan shows how Otto's will play its role in making Ontario an accessible province for all Ontarians.
Section One: Past Achievements to Remove and Prevent Barriers
This section includes a summary of the accessibility initiatives that Otto's has completed.
Customer Service
Although no feedback has been received since the program started in 2014, Otto's has performed actions in compliance with the Customer Service Standard.
Customer feedback can be sent to Human Resources by email, phone, onsite forms, website, or via employees.
Information and Communications
Section Two: Strategies and Actions
Otto's has identified projects and plans between now and 2026 to meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and to remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities.
Customer Service
Otto's is committed to providing accessible customer service to people with disabilities. This means that we will provide goods and services to people with disabilities with the same high quality and timeliness as others. Here are the actions under Customer Service category:
Action |
Due Date |
1 |
Conduct updated training for staff, including new staff (if missed) and the ones who were trained over two years ago, and document in HR portal |
Q4 2023 -- Q1 2024 |
2 |
Update the Accessibility section on the website for customers with disabilities, informing them about our policies and the feedback process |
Q3 2023 |
3 |
Update Emergency Response Plan, and staff will be informed on who are responsible for providing accommodations in an emergency response scenario |
Q2 2023 |
4 |
Otto's will treat accessibility laws as a priority in designing for renovation of existing facilities and/or any new facilities |
If applicable |
5 |
Otto's will put procedures in place to prevent service disruptions to the accessible parts of our facilities |
If applicable |
Information and Communications
Otto's is committed to making our information and communications accessible to people with disabilities. Here are the actions under Information and Communication category:
Action |
Due Date |
1 |
Utilize new communication tool to communicate with our clients who have disabilities |
Ongoing |
2 |
Keep website complaint with World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA |
Ongoing |
3 |
Keep the customers informed about the feedback process in the event of a requirement |
Ongoing |
4 |
Availability of accessible formats will be disseminated through Otto's website |
Ongoing |
Otto's is committed to fair and accessible employment practices. Here are the actions under Employment category:
Action |
Due Date |
1 |
Announce availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities on job postings, where practicable |
Ongoing |
2 |
Include updated Ontario's accessibility laws training in Otto's Orientation Package for new hire, train hiring managers on best practices, and disseminate the information to all staff through HR portal |
Q4 2023 -- Q1 2024 |
3 |
Update the process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities, and assign accountability for accommodations |
Q2 2023 |
4 |
Update the official return to work policy and ensure it meets best practices and regulations, and assign accountability |
Q2 2023 |
Otto's is committed to providing training in the requirements of Ontario's accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it applies to people with disabilities. As described in Customer Service section, training will be provided to all staff.